Not long ago, you were energetic and determined to start your healthy lifestyle. Starting with enthusiasm and hope, you watched your food intake diligently, exercised like it was going out of style, and even avoided the temptation that seemed to lurk around every corner. You were confident that you were going to reach your goals once and for all!
- 25/09/2019 - newyouweightloss 0 CommentsWhy Should I Eat Breakfast?Read More
Don’t get me wrong—I know all the reasons why I should eat breakfast. But knowing what I should do and actually doing it are two very different things.
A 2002 study by the National Weight Control Registry, a group of more than 3,000 people who have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for at least a year, found that breakfast eaters were more successful at maintaining their weight loss. Another study found that women who skipped breakfast made up for it by eating more throughout the day. So even though I thought I was saving calories by skipping breakfast, I was actually eating more overall (probably because I was hungry).
But why does breakfast make the difference? Scientists have proven that eating at regular intervals helps your brain sends a signal to your body, telling it not to store the calories as fat—that you literally aren’t starving. When you skip meals however, your body can switch into “starvation mode,” hanging onto every calorie because it doesn’t know when, or if, the next meal is coming.
By the time you get up in the morning, 10 to 12 hours have passed since your last meal and your body is in fasting mode. Eating soon after rising will literally break this fast (see where the word “breakfast” comes from?) and fire up your metabolism for the day. If you aren’t hungry as soon as you get up, have something nutritious to eat anyway, even if it’s small. After two to three weeks of eating even a small breakfast (like yogurt or fruit), your body will reset your appetite and you’ll begin to naturally feel hungry in the morning—that’s a good thing!
A morning meal also gives you a head start on getting the five to ten servings of fruits and vegetables you need each day. Banana slices on English muffin, cereal, or diced veggies in an omelet all count towards your daily requirements, while some calcium-rich yogurt, milk, or soymilk help you get the nutrients you need to build strong bones.
If you find it hard to get up in the morning, eating breakfast may help boost your energy levels (and mood), by raising your blood sugar levels and increasing your ability to concentrate.
Need more convincing? Here are a few reasons why breakfast is so important for everyone in the family:
Breakfast boosts memory. Eating breakfast improves memory and learning ability. One study of college students found that those who ate breakfast scored 22 percent higher in word-recall tests than students who skipped breakfast. Breakfast raises your blood sugar, which is needed to make the memory-boosting neurotransmitter acetylcholine.Breakfast boosts mood and performance. A Harvard study showed that children who ate breakfast had 40 percent higher math grades and missed fewer days of school than non-breakfast eaters. Kids who skipped breakfast were twice as likely to be depressed, four times more prone to anxiety, and 30 percent more likely to be hyperactive. When children who “rarely” ate breakfast began eating breakfast “often,” their math grades increased one full letter grade, and their levels of depression, anxiety and hyperactivity all decreased. While this study looked at children, it is natural to assume that adults would see similar results related to work performance and mood.
Breakfast boosts nutrition. Breakfast eaters consume more nutrients each day than breakfast skippers. Eating an a.m. meal particularly increases one’s intake of important nutrients like calcium, iron, zinc, B vitamins and fiber.
Breakfast boosts heart health. Blood tends to become “sticky” overnight, making it more prone to clots in the morning. According to researchers at Canada’s Memorial University in Newfoundland, eating breakfast “unsticks” your blood. Skipping breakfast triples the blood’s clot-forming potential—and the risk of morning heart attacks and strokes. Recent studies have also found that cold cereals fortified with 400 micrograms of folic acid help curb homocysteine, a blood factor that boosts the risk of heart disease and strokes.
Few families have the time to cook an elaborate meal each morning. Fortunately, having a healthy breakfast doesn’t mean you have to slave over a hot stove for hours. Some quick, yet nutritious, breakfast ideas include:
A scrambled egg with whole-wheat toast and half a cup of fresh blueberries
A whole-wheat toaster waffle topped with fresh strawberries
A flour tortilla filled with leftover chicken, low-fat cheese, peppers
A low-fat, multigrain English muffin with applesauce and an ounce of cheese
An English muffin with low-fat cheese melted on top
One half of a cinnamon-raisin bagel with peanut butter substitute and banana slices
One half a cup of whole-grain cereal with banana slices and skim milk
A hard-boiled egg and whole-wheat toast
Protein shake with fresh berries
Slow-cooked oatmeal topped with milk, cinnamon and raisins
Although I wasn’t in the mood to eat first thing in the morning, it didn’t take long for me to get used to eating breakfast every day. After only a few days, I noticed a big improvement in my productivity. I got so much more work done when I was wasn’t dragging myself through my morning routine, wishing I could crawl back into bed. And having a morning meal meant I wasn’t starving at lunchtime anymore, enabling me to make more sensible food choices that would help me reach my weight loss goals. It seems Mom was right again—breakfast really is the most important meal of the day! - 05/09/2019 - newyouweightloss 1 CommentReasons You Eat When You Are Not HungryRead More
Reasons You Eat When You Are Not Hungry
We’ve all done it, and sometimes we don’t even realize when it’s happening. Maybe you graze when you’re bored, or reach your hand into the office candy jar each time you pass by. Perhaps when you’re feeling sluggish in the afternoon, you head to the vending machine for a pick-me-up. All of these are opportunities to eat for reasons other than hunger. While that’s okay from time to time, too much eating without thinking can really hurt your weight management goals. And depending on what you eat, it could hurt your health, too.
Take a look at these 10 situations that encourage you to eat when you’re not hungry, plus tips to cope in a healthier way.
To Cope
Emotions are a common eating trigger. Happy? You might eat a treat to celebrate. Sad? You might eat to soothe yourself with comfort food. Angry? You might take it out on a fork instead of the person who really caused it. But if you turn to food for emotional reasons, you won’t resolve the underlying issues. It may help to track your eating habits in a journal, noting your emotional state when you headed for that snack. Writing it down may help you make a connection you hadn’t seen before, like the fact that you eat when you’re lonely or angry. Then you’ll know to look for a different outlet, such as calling a friend when you’re lonely or turning to that punching bag when you’re mad or stressed.
Out of Boredom
Sometimes you’re not emotional—you’re just bored. For many people, eating seems like a good solution when there’s nothing better to do, whether you graze at home on the weekends or entertain yourself with lavish dinners out. But eating can only last for so long—and then you have an afternoon to fill! If you know boredom is a trigger for your emotional eating, have a list of strategies in place to keep yourself busy and entertained when you don’t have anything else to do. Catch up with an old friend, write an old-fashioned snail-mail letter, write in your journal or blog, volunteer in your community, take up a new hobby or read a book. Better yet, make your boredom-buster an active endeavor, such as trying a new class at the gym, playing an active video game, going for a walk with the dog or flying a kite. Eating won’t sound as appealing if you have a fun alternative to occupy your mind and body.
Because Other People Are Eating
When you’re out enjoying a dinner with family or friends, it can be easy to eat when you’re past the point of fullness—especially if you’re enamored in conversation and are not paying attention to your satiation level. Perhaps more common, it’s easy to indulge when others around you are eating, too. Research shows that our habits mimic our companions’ actions in situations like these. You don’t have to swear off happy hour with friends to watch your weight, though. When your dining companions devour a second basket of bread or chips, or order dessert, don’t automatically follow suit. Check in with your hunger level to see if you really need it or if you’ll be more satisfied with the fun conversation.
Because Food is There
Have a candy jar at the office that calls your name? Do you feel powerless to pass up food at a party, even if you’ve already eaten? When food is in plain sight, it can be so easy to grab a handful simply because it’s there. It looks good. You like it. It’s right in front of you. What’s the harm? Any food that is nearby, visible and easily accessible is hard for anyone to turn down. If you’re unable to nix the trigger food altogether, move the treats out of sight—you’ll be less likely to grab a handful. So if you buy a bag of Oreos, put them on a high shelf in a cabinet—not on the counter. Instead of a clear candy jar, try an opaque one or move it to another location. (Alternatively, stock the candy jar with a healthier, more filling treat—like nuts or trail mix.) When you’re already full and food is out at a party, stand with your back to the table or in another room. The flipside of this works, too. When you keep lots of other healthy foods in sight, like a bowl of fruit on the table, you’re more likely to eat them.
Because It’s a Special Occasion
If you work in a big office or have a big family, it can seem like every day is someone’s birthday, anniversary or shower. And if those celebrations often involve cake or alcohol, it might seem that every party is a calorie-laden minefield. If you don’t want to have a piece of cake every day, don’t automatically get in the cake line when it’s your boss’ birthday—you can always show your face at the celebration without taking part in the punch bowl. Celebrations are about the people, not the food. If you do best without temptation, skip the gathering altogether or bring your own low-cal treat. Here’s another tactic: New research shows that just imagining yourself eating a treat can decrease your desire to eat the real thing.
Because You’re Tired
The dreaded afternoon energy lull can drive even the most disciplined of us to food—especially sugary treats. But that sugar rush might be followed by an even worse crash. Instead, take a walk around the office, head outside for some rejuvenating natural light or drink a cup of coffee or a tall glass of cold water. A change of scenery might be just the ticket to battle the afternoon lull.
Because the Clock Says So
Do you pull out your lunchbox when the clock strikes noon, just because it’s time for lunch? Or head to the kitchen at 6 p.m. just because that’s your typical dinnertime? Don’t just eat when the clock tells you to! When mealtime hits, use it as a cue to check in with your current hunger level. Are you actually hungry? If so, whip up that healthy meal. If not, wait until your body tells you to eat, and ignore the clock.
Because It’s Free (Or Cheap)
Everyone loves to get a good deal. But don’t eat up just because something is free (think free samples at the grocery store) or super cheap (buy-one-get-one-free sodas or all-you-can-eat buffets). Always check in with your body’s hunger level before you automatically fill your plate with a freebie.
Because You Can’t Say No to Food Pushers
If you’re a people pleaser, it can be hard to say no, especially when friends or family members offer you scrumptious food. And sometimes people who push food don’t take no for an answer. Have excuses lined up in your bag of tricks—and be honest. “I’m not hungry” works well, as does “I’m trying to lose weight.” If you end up with a piece of cake (or a whole cake to take home!) despite your protests, remember that you’re in control (it’s rare that people will try to force feed you). You can always set down the fork or share the cake with neighbors or co-workers, or eat just a small portion.
Because You Suffer from “Clean Plate Syndrome”
Most of us have grown up hearing, “There are starving kids who would love to eat that” to get us to clean our plates as kids. And for many of us, the well-meaning notion to prevent kids from wasting food and encourage them to eat their broccoli has stayed with us into adulthood. Do you still feel obligated to clean your plate, even when you’re not hungry enough to comfortably finish it all—especially at a restaurant where you’re paying a premium for a meal? Fortunately, most of us live with modern amenities like refrigerators and microwaves that make it easy to stow away almost any meal for another time. To prevent overeating, take stock throughout your meal to gauge how hungry you are; you might find that you don’t need those last few bites after all. If that doesn’t work, use smaller plates at home to eat less! And lastly, get over your fear of leftovers. Many foods taste better the next day or two, and most things can be refrigerated and eaten without sacrificing flavor or texture.
If you eat for reasons other than being hungry, check in with yourself. Knowing what true hunger feels like can help you recognize when you’re eating for other reasons. If you can’t avoid the specific triggers that cause you to eat when you’re not hungry—and there’s no way to avoid them all—knowing these strategies will help
- 28/05/2019 - newyouweightloss 4 CommentsHow to Practice Mindful Eating at PartiesRead More
How to Practice Mindful Eating at Parties
When you’re at a social function, thinking about mindful eating might feel like an extra task. But with these simple tips, you can allow room for awareness and presence to naturally flourish, while still enjoying the gathering.
As with any lifestyle practice, it’s best to adopt these tips gradually, aiming for small change. Over time, it will become second nature for mindful eating to be your plus-one at every event.
1. Eat Before You Leave
One of the simplest ways to control your appetite at a party is to take charge before you even arrive.
Clifford points out that people often think, “I’m going to a party where I’ll eat a lot, so I won’t eat until I get there.” But when you show up with this mindset—and an empty stomach—you create the opportunity for ravenous eating.
Keeping yourself well-fed before the event will prevent you from grazing throughout the gathering.2. Bring the Snacks
It’s tricky to attend a party when you don’t know what’s on the menu. Plus, depending on the host or event, you might already expect a variety of calorie-laden sweets and dishes, like your Uncle Tom’s “famous” tuna casserole.
Clifford suggests offering to bring a healthy snack like a veggie tray with hummus, olives or salsa to the gathering. By contributing nutritious options to the party, you’ll be able to enjoy healthy foods. Plus, showing up with a dish, you’re showing your thanks to the host for their hospitality.
Obviously, when it comes to events like weddings, this isn’t the most appropriate move. In these situations, eating a pre-party snack or making special requests (if allowed) will make all the difference.
3. Mingle Away from Food
Often, hosts serve food buffet-style so guests can fill up as they please. And while this makes it easy to personalize your meal, the open format of a buffet also makes it easy to thoughtlessly graze as you chat.
The solution: Walk away. Invite the other person to sit elsewhere so you can properly catch up and enjoy your food. By taking a second to re-locate yourself and your companion, you can avoid mindlessly refilling your plate as you mingle.
4. Eat SlowlyThanks to the high energy of social gatherings, it can be tempting to nosh on hors d’oeuvres as quickly as the champagne flows. But when you take the time to chew and eat slowly you’ll have more control over your eating behaviors.
When you eat food, your gut releases satiety hormones like peptide YY and glucagon-like peptide-1. These hormones reduce your appetite by telling your brain that it’s time to stop eating. They also work to decrease ghrelin, commonly known as the “hunger hormone.”
The catch? It takes about 20 minutes for these signals to reach your brain. When you eat slowly, you’ll give it enough time to receive these hormonal messages.
While you’re at it, use this time to truly savor the food. Pay attention to the flavor, texture and aroma. Notice how you feel. With these simple check-ins, you’ll automatically be more in tune with the food you’re eating.
5. Drink Water
We all know staying hydrated is vital whether you’re lounging at home or sweating in spin class, but when it comes to social gatherings, drinking water can completely transform your eating behaviors throughout the event. Water increases the feeling of fullness and helps reduce food intake. Plus, dehydration can mask itself as hunger, so try sipping on H2O before and during the party. If you’re truly hungry, you’ll still feel the hunger after drinking water.
For many people, eating at parties is also a habit born out of nerves. Grabbing and eating food gives them something to do with their hands while making small talk or standing alone between conversations. If that’s the case, holding and drinking a glass of water can act as a stand-in for those jalapeño poppers you can’t stop popping.
It will take time to master these habits. There are many factors to consider, including your current eating behaviors and the types of events you attend, but as you repeatedly put these practices to work, you’ll eventually find a style of mindful eating that works for you.
At some point, you may experience peer pressure from other people (“You have to try my cake!”). Some might also get offended if you don’t taste the food they brought. In these cases, Clifford says that honesty is the best policy.
“Depending on who the people are, consider telling them about your goals,” recommends Clifford. “[Tell them] that you would really appreciate their support.” You may be surprised at how most people respond.In the end, eating is multifaceted. It’s more than just physical fuel; it’s a social, cultural and emotional experience. And when you make the effort to connect with each of these aspects, you’ll be able to eat, drink and be merry in the most mindful way possible.
- 27/03/2019 - newyouweightloss 1372 CommentsWhy should you work out?Read More
1. Because it makes you feel confident
2. Because it helps you get stronger
3. Because exercise helps combat depression
4. Because you’ll feel proud of yourself
5. Because you have goals you want to reach
6. Because you’ll feel bad if you don’t
7. Because you want to move forward, not backward
8. Because it burns more calories than not working out
9. Because it improves your heart health
10. Because you want a great butt
11. Because it prevents diabetes
12. Because you want to be a good example to your kids
13. Because you want to feel good in your clothes
14. Because it reduces your risk of cancer
15. Because your body was made to move
16. Because you want to be an athlete
17. Because you want to look better
18. Because it lifts your mood
19. Because you want to stand taller
20. Because it reduces back pain
21. Because it feels good
22. Because it makes you feel accomplished
23. Because you spend most of your day on your butt
24. Because swimsuit season is always coming
25. Because strong is the new skinny
26. Because dieting only works so much
27. Because it strengthens your bones, too
28. Because it helps you lose weight
29. Because it allows you to eat more food
30. Because it’s the best way to spend “me” time
31. Because it helps you de-stress
32. Because it’s cheaper than therapy
33. Because you want a strong core
34. Because you want to take care for yourself
35. Because you take pride in your body
36. Because it strengthens your legs
37. Because it helps your clothes fit better
38. Because you want to push yourself
39. Because you are capable of more than you ever imagined
40. Because moving your body feels good
41. Because it keeps your mind sharp
42. Because it helps you beat belly bloat
43. Because it helps you sleep better at night
44. Because it gives you energy
45. Because you want to stay healthy as you age
46. Because you want to look younger
47. Because you want toned arms
48. Because it improves your balance
49. Because it burns off last night’s dessert
50. Because it boosts your immune system
51. Because sweat is sexy
52. Because you want to live longer
53. Because you want to get better at your game
54. Because you want to catch someone’s eye
55. Because exercisers earn more money
56. Because you’re more likely to eat better when you exercise
57. Because you want to shave time off your running pace
58. Because you want to breathe easier
59. Because you want to see the scale drop
60. Because exercise improves your sex life
61. Because you are worth it
62. Because being fit makes everything in life better
63. Because you promised yourself that you would
64. Because you deserve a better life
65. Because it’ll help you drink more water
66. Because you want to do real push-ups
67. Because it reduces your health care costs
68. Because you’ll miss fewer days of work
69. Because you want to create a new future for yourself
70. Because it’ll help you like what you see in the mirror
71. Because it makes clothing shopping more fun
72. Because you want to look and feel incredible
73. Because exercising can be fun
74. Because it’ll give your skin a glow
75. Because it’s a good way to spend time with your friends
76. Because it’ll help you prevent the middle-age spread
77. Because it reduces your blood pressure
78. Because you don’t want to let yourself go
79. Because you don’t want to squeeze into an airplane or rollercoaster seat
80. Because it strengthens your spirit
81. Because it’s a cheap way to entertain yourself
82. Because you’ll be able to reward yourself
83. Because you need a reason to wear those new workout clothes
84. Because you’re tired of being tired
85. Because not working out is not going to get you very far
86. Because it’s a great way to spend time outside
87. Because you made a commitment to yourself
88. Because you’re tired of starting over
89. Because there will always be another wedding, vacation or reunion
90. Because you’re not a quitter
91. Because it improves your cholesterol
92. Because it boosts your metabolism
93. Because it prevents age-related muscle loss
94. Because if you can do this, you can do anything
95. Because a fit body is a healthy body
96. Because it beats sitting on the couch
97. Because everyone has at least 10 minutes to spare
98. Because you want to be stronger than your excuses
99. Because not working out isn’t working out for you
100. Because the only workout you ever regret is the one you skip - 27/03/2019 - newyouweightloss 0 CommentsMetabolism Don’t!Read More
Metabolism DON’TS
Don’t reduce your calorie intake too low. The fact that you gain weight easily is proof that your body likes to shift into fat-storage mode at the drop of a hat, and going too low on calories is one of the easiest ways to trigger that reaction (often referred to as starvation mode ).Don’t fall for the mistaken idea that the less you eat, the more you’ll lose—that’s just not how your body works. Staying within your recommended calorie range will keep your internal furnace stoked so that you have more capacity to burn stored fat.
Don’t skip meals. Going too long between meals affects your body chemistry in ways that can make weight loss more difficult. Most people can manage their hunger and avoid cravings and overeating by spreading out their calories into four to five small, well-balanced meals or snacks during the day. Try not to go more than four to five hours without eating something.
Don’t short yourself on shut eye. More research is showing that chronic sleep deprivation plays a significant role in weight gain. Your body needs plenty of “downtime” for the internal housekeeping that keeps your metabolism in good working order. The occasional late night won’t hurt you, but consistently sleeping just one hour less than you need may slow down your weight loss considerably.
Metabolism DOs
Build muscle! This is the most important action you can take to maintain a high metabolic rate while trying to lose weight. Strength training prevents you from losing a lot of muscle along with the fat you lose when dieting. If you don’t strength train regularly, up to 30% of the weight you lose could be muscle tissue. Considering that a pound of muscle burns about 3 times more calories per day than a pound of fat even when you’re sitting still (and up to 15-20 times more calories per minute when you’re physically active), you can see the problems this can cause. If you lose 20 pounds of weight (and 30% of that weight loss is muscle—seven pounds), you’ll be slowing your metabolism and your fat burning capacity down by a significant amount. A simple strength training program twice a week can limit your muscle loss to almost zero, and keep your metabolism running high.
Stay as active as possible. The more you use your muscles, the more calories you will burn. Moderate exercise like walking can burn three to six times more calories per minute than sitting still, and high intensity exercise like interval training can burn more than 12 times as much. Likewise, the more you vary your daily activity and exercise, the more you keep your body on its fat-burning toes.
Don’t just sit there. If you’re watching TV or sitting at your desk, get up frequently to do a few exercises. Keep those resistance bands and dumbbells nearby at all times—you can fit a complete strength training workout into the commercial breaks of a one-hour TV show. Ditch your chair and sit on a stability ball (or a stationary bike) instead—even fidgeting can help!
Exercise in the morning or in frequent bouts. Both strength and cardio exercises boost metabolism by increasing your calorie burn even AFTER your session is done. You can get the most out of this perk by starting your day with a workout or by incorporating multiple exercise sessions into your day. Longer or intense workouts have a greater “after burn” but even a 15-minute walk will make a difference.
Try interval training. The harder you work, the more calories you will burn both during and after exercise—plus your fitness level will really improve. Studies show that exercising as intensely as you can, for at least 10 minutes per day, produces the best results. Interval training is an effective way to increase the intensity and duration of your workouts without running yourself into the ground or risking injury.
Include mental exercises. One of the most important (but least recognized) factors in keeping your metabolic fires well stoked is managing stress effectively. Chronic stress disrupts the hormones that regulate everything from appetite to fat storage, and can defeat even the best exercise and eating plans. The more effort you put into recognizing and handling stress, the better off you’ll be. Include some time in your schedule every day for relaxation exercises, yoga, journaling, and other stress management activities.
And Most Importantly…
Make exercise and healthy eating FUN! Experiment frequently with new exercises and recipes, or anything that keeps you interested and adds some spice to your program. Well, don’t stop there. The more variety you can put in your diet and your exercise routine, the more stimulating it will be. That makes it easy to put your best efforts forward, and get a major metabolic return on your investment. - 22/02/2019 - newyouweightloss 1 CommentTake a minute to boost your energy!Read More
When it comes to losing weight or making healthy choices, you probably think that it takes hours at a gym plus long nights preparing and planning nutritious meals. What you may not realize is that quick and easy changes can really improve your immediate health and wellness.
So just how quick is quick? One minute—that’s it! Try any one of these 60-second activities to easily reap the healthy benefits.
1. Drink a tall glass of water. We all know the many health benefits of drinking water, but did you also know that even mild dehydration can cause fatigue? So, the next time you feel your energy waning, grab a glass of cold water and guzzle it down!
2. Twist it out. So many of us spend every weekday seated in front of a computer. Not only can sitting all day wreak havoc on your posture, but it can also compress your spine and exaggerate its curvature. Not fun. A simple twist can help undo this. As you sit in your desk chair, simply twist your upper-body to one side, hold for 30 seconds, and then repeat on the other side. If you have the space to sit on the floor, try this torso twist stretch. It’s guaranteed to make you feel better!
3. Take a deep breath. How often do you think about breathing? If you are like most people, you probably don’t think about it often enough. For a quick pick-me-up, simply take five deep breaths. Slowly inhale for at least five seconds and exhale for 10 seconds each time. Your body will thank you for the extra oxygen.
4. Do 20 jumping jacks. Research has shown that long periods of sitting can be detrimental to the body and our overall health. So get up out of that chair and jack it out! Just one minute of jumping jacks is an easy way to get your heart pumping and blood flowing.
5. Smile. Smiling can actually make you happier. So go ahead—smile!
6. Go outside. You’ve probably heard the health buzz about vitamin D lately. Preliminary research suggests that vitamin D helps regulate the immune system, supports heart health, can help normalize blood pressure and promotes healthy aging. Vitamin D has also been linked to improved mood. If you have a minute to spare, step out into the sunshine!
7. Put on a favorite song. There’s nothing quite like your favorite music to perk you up and get you feeling good. Listening to music has been shown to improve immunity and release endorphins. Bonus points if you dance along!
8. Sit up straighter. Did you know that bad posture can put unnecessary stress on your low back? Take a minute to focus on sitting up straight with your shoulders down and back. Don’t you feel better already?
9. Be grateful. Write down five things you’re grateful for, no matter how large or small (your hair, your family, your morning cup of Joe—whatever). Do you feel more thankful, generous and overall happier after? Funny how a little reminder of what we have can turn a frown into a smile.
10. Tell a joke. Awake your inner child and tell a silly joke—whether it’s a knock-knock joke or even a funny line from a movie. Anything that gets you laughing is enough to get your happy endorphins flowing!
11. Do 10 pushups. Being strong is important, but having functional strength is even more important because it makes everyday activities easier to accomplish. A push-up is a great, quick exercise for building functional strength. Drop down and give me 10—or as many as you can do in 1 minute.
12. Encourage someone. Isn’t it interesting how you always seem to feel better after helping someone else feel better? Whether you post a supportive comment on a friend’s page or write a few kind words in a card or an email, taking a minute out to help someone can quickly boost your mood.
13. Set a goal for the day. Fact: People who set goals have more success than people who don’t. So why not take a few seconds and write down what you want to do today? Then, just commit to making it happen!
14. Focus on one thing you love about yourself. At times, we put so much effort in focusing on what we don’t like about ourselves that we fail to see the good. Take 60 seconds to think about what you like about you. Is it your eyes? Your strong legs? Your giving nature? Thinking about how great you are will instantly increase self-confidence.
15. Wash your hands. It seems like cold and flu season is always in full force (or just around the corner). One of the simplest and easiest ways to stay well year round is to wash your hands. All you need is warm water, soap and 20 seconds of rubbing to rid your hands of unwanted germs.
16. Compliment a stranger. What better way to make yourself feel good than to unexpectedly brighten someone else’s day? The next time you admire someone’s clothes, positive attitude or eyes—say so!
17. Try aromatherapy. A number of different smells can have a positive effect on your mind and body. For example, peppermint is known to calm the stomach while its smell can energize you through a workout. And the scent of jasmine has been shown to reduce anxiety. To benefit, grab some scented lotion and either take a whiff from the bottle or rub some on your hands.
18. Salute the sun. Sun salutations are a well-known set of yoga poses that are said to warm up the body and increase blood flow and flexibility. So grab your mat and do one or two sets—rain or shine!
19. Give yourself a mini-massage. Massage has a number of health benefits, including reducing stress, lowering blood pressure and speeding muscle repair. While you may not be able to spend the time or money getting one at a spa, pampering yourself with just 1 minute of self-massage by rubbing your own hands, feet or shoulders can do wonders.
20. Be absolutely present. When we are wrapped up with work, to-do lists, and just getting by, sometimes we can forget to focus on what we are doing in the here and now. Try spending a minute just being. Focus on sounds, smells and whatever else is going on around you; instead of thinking ahead to what you’ll do next, think about what you’re doing right now. You’ll be amazed at how peaceful you feel. Just be!
See? In the quest to be healthier, you don’t have to spend a lot of time. Even if all you have is a few spare seconds here and there, you can make a positive difference in your overall health!
- 22/02/2019 - newyouweightloss 1 CommentTracking your food~It really makes a difference!Read More
One of the best ways to maintain smart eating habits and a healthy body weight is to track your food — all of it!
1. Pick your medium: a food journaling app or a notebook for food tracking.
You need somewhere for all that info to live! And since you want to be able to access your food journal anytime, anywhere, your smartphone is an ideal option. Prefer to record your food intake the old-fashioned way? Write it down in a notepad or a food journal like this one. Track the foods (and beverages!) themselves as well as the amounts and the approximate calorie counts. In a rush? Jot down your food in the Notes app of your phone or scribble it onto a piece of paper. Whatever gets it done!2. Write down everything you eat. Yes, EVERYTHING.
The main components of your meals are obvious, but don’t forget about condiments, coffee creamer, and unplanned bites, licks, and tastes. If you eat it or drink it, it goes in the journal. Not only will this help you get a more accurate snapshot of your eating habits, but it’ll make you think twice before mindlessly munching. After all, who wants to write down that they ate 8 handfuls of popcorn, 3 1/2 Oreos, and 2 spoonful’s of peanut butter after dinner?3. Start planning your food for the upcoming days.
Meal prepping can make food tracking even easier… and more effective. Choose your meals for the week, make a grocery list, and do some prep to make day-of food assembly a cinch. Make note of days you know you’ll be dining out, and maybe take a peek at the restaurant’s menu online in advance. By taking the time to plot out what you’re going to eat, you’ll be less likely to get derailed by impulse choices. Once you get in the habit of planning ahead, logging your food will be super simple!4. Review after you chew!
At the end of the week, look at the data you’ve compiled, and assess what unfolded. Skipped breakfast on Tuesday and then went overboard at lunch? Planned to snack on a portion of pretzels that turned into 3 cups of the salty twists? Felt sluggish all week, and just now realize you barely had any protein at lunchtime? Knowledge is power. - 19/02/2019 - newyouweightloss 30 CommentsHow to walk with Proper form and techniqueRead More
Walking comes naturally to humans. It’s one of the earliest skills we develop, long before we learn how to talk (or invent excuses to avoid walking). And given good, basic health, it’s something you can do throughout your life without worry about overdoing it. Prior to the last century, walking was the primary mode of day-to-day transportation for most people, and often involved much more time and distance than most of us spend at it today.
So if you’re wondering whether walking is challenging enough to keep you fit, don’t. Fitness walking (as opposed to leisurely walking to do everyday tasks) can build endurance, strengthen your bones, improve your health profile and help you manage your weight. And many people who have successfully lost weight and kept it off over time have made fitness walking the foundation of their fitness routines. But like anything else, the more walking you want to do, the more important it becomes to do it right. By the time many of us get to adulthood, especially if via the sedentary route, we may have developed some postural quirks and bad habits that can make even simple walking a source of aches and pains.
So, here are some walking basics that will help keep your walking workouts safe and effective by building your walking technique from the ground up.
Think “Heel to Toe”
Comfortable and efficient walking begins with a good foot strike, which allows your ankle to move through its complete range of motion. Here’s how to do it properly.
Step forward landing squarely on the heel of your foot.
Roll forward onto the ball of the foot.
Raise the heel and push off with your big toe.
As the heel of your front foot is striking, you are being propelled forward by your back foot, pushing off the ground. Unlike a running stride, your feet should never lift off the ground completely when walking.To get an idea of how this heel-to-toe motion should feel, try sitting on a chair with your legs extended straight out in front of you, toes pointing straight up to the ceiling. With your left foot, bring your toes back toward you so your heel is extended and your foot is flexed; with your right foot, push your toes forward as if pushing on the air with the ball of your foot and big toe. Then slowly reverse the positions of your feet, moving back and forth several times for one minute. This is the ideal motion for walking. But because most of us don’t walk perfectly, you may feel some burning or tension in your shins or calves. This means that those muscles (where you feel the soreness) are underused, and you may need to do some strengthening and stretching exercises so that walk as close to perfect heel-to-toe form as possible.
Find Your Stride
Everyone has a natural stride length that is most comfortable, and it may be shorter or longer than someone else’s stride. One of the most common mistakes you can make with fitness walking is to increase the length of your strides in order to walk faster. That’s OK for running, not walking, as over-striding can strain your muscles and joints, causing pain in the arches of your feet, and your knees, hips and heels. If you want to walk faster, focus on taking more steps per minute, not taking longer steps.How fast should you walk? It depends on your fitness level, stride length, and turnover rate. Here are some general guidelines:
Slow to moderate walking is a 3 to 3.5 to mph pace (17-20 minutes per mile), about 115-120 steps per minute.
Brisk walking is about a 4 mph pace (15 minutes per mile), about 135 steps per minute.
Fast walking (or jogging) starts at a 5 mph pace (12 minutes per mile), which is about 160 steps per minute. Most people cannot walk at this pace. It’s usually easier and more efficient to jog than it is to walk once you work up to this speed.
Walk the (Straight) Line
Be aware of your posture: Stand as tall as possible, feet pointing forward, abs engaged, back straight, neck in line with your shoulders (not forward), head up, and eyes gazing about 10 feet ahead of you. When walking, your center of gravity to move forward, not side-to-side (known as hip sway). Your pelvis will rotate forward with each step, but should not turn from side to side. Try to keep your legs in line with your hips and toes pointing forward, not inward (pigeon-toed) or outward (duck-toed).Pump It Up—Your Arms, That Is
You’ve probably seen those “serious” fitness walkers who pump their arms vigorously as if they were running. Even if it makes you feel self-conscious, this is the most efficient way to walk—especially at higher speeds. When your arms are too straight, it can be difficult (even painful) to pump them enough to achieve a good speed. And if your hands swell during exercise, keeping your elbows bent can help avoid or minimize that.Keep your arms close to your sides and bend your elbows at 90 degrees. Keep them bent at a right angle while you walk. When pumping your arms, the movement should come from your shoulders, not your elbows, and your hands shouldn’t rise higher than chest level. Finally, avoid clenching your hands. Imagine you’re carrying something delicate in them, like a raw egg—don’t squeeze tight enough to break it, nor so loose that you drop it. Try not to exaggerate the movement of your arms, but do use them to your advantage. You can only walk as fast as your arms pump.
Take to the Hills
There’s a natural tendency to lean forward when walking uphill and lean backward when walking downhill. However, leaning can put a lot of strain on your back, and should be avoided when possible. So what’s a walker to do? Remember your cues for posture and form. Maintain your posture as upright as possible, especially on mild and moderate hills. Steep declines may require slight leaning, but be careful not to put too much weight in your heels, which can cause your feet to slip out from under you on loose terrain. When walking up an incline, push upward and forward with your toes, pumping your arms to help you. When walking downhill, relax your knees a little bit to absorb some of the extra impact.The 8 Keys to Proper Fitness Walking
And you thought walking was simple! There are a lot of things to keep in mind. This quick list summarizes the info above so you can get out there and put one foot in front of the other!
Stand tall, with your shoulders back, head and neck aligned with your spine, and abs pulled in.
Push off with the toes of your rear foot, and land squarely on the heel of your lead foot.
Roll through the entire foot, from heel strike to the ball of your foot to the final push off with your toes, allowing your ankle to more through its full range of motion.
Avoid over-striding. Increase the number of steps per minute to increase speed.
Bend elbows at a right angle, and swing your arms from the shoulder, keeping elbows close to your sides.
Avoid clenching hands or over-swinging your arms.
Minimize leaning on hills.
Don’t neglect stretching and strength training, especially if you experience burning or tightness in shins or calve muscles - 08/02/2019 - newyouweightloss 110 CommentsKeeping It OffRead More
Keeping It Off
Watch Your Diet
Be Active
Stay on Course
If you’ve recently lost excess weight, congratulations! It’s an accomplishment that will likely benefit your health now and in the future. Now that you’ve lost weight, let’s talk about some ways to maintain that success.
The following tips are some of the common characteristics among people who have successfully lost weight and maintained that loss over time.1
Watch Your Diet
Follow a healthy and realistic eating pattern. You have embarked on a healthier lifestyle, now the challenge is maintaining the positive eating habits you’ve developed along the way. In studies of people who have lost weight and kept it off for at least a year, most continued to eat a diet lower in calories as compared to their pre-weight loss diet.2 For more suggestions regarding a healthful diet, visit Healthy Eating for a Healthy Weight.
Keep your eating patterns consistent. Follow a healthy eating pattern regardless of changes in your routine. Plan ahead for weekends, vacations, and special occasions. By making a plan, it is more likely you’ll have healthy foods on hand for when your routine changes.
Eat breakfast every day. Eating breakfast is a common trait among people who have lost weight and kept it off. Eating a healthful breakfast may help you avoid getting “over-hungry” and then overeating later in the day.
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Be Active
Get daily physical activity. People who have lost weight and kept it off typically engage in 60—90 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity most days of the week while not exceeding calorie needs. This doesn’t necessarily mean 60—90 minutes at one time. It might mean 20—30 minutes of physical activity three times a day. For example, a brisk walk in the morning, at lunch time, and in the evening. Some people may need to talk to their healthcare provider before participating in this level of physical activity.
Stay on Course
Monitor your diet and activity. Keeping a food and physical activity journal can help you track your progress and spot trends. For example, you might notice that your weight creeps up during periods when you have a lot of business travel or when you have to work overtime. Recognizing this tendency can be a signal to try different behaviors, such as packing your own healthful food for the plane and making time to use your hotel’s exercise facility when you are traveling. Or if working overtime, maybe you can use your breaks for quick walks around the building.
Monitor your weight. Check your weight regularly. When managing your weight loss, it’s a good idea to keep track of your weight so you can plan accordingly and adjust your diet and exercise plan as necessary. If you have gained a few pounds, get back on track quickly.
Get support from family, friends, and others. People who have successfully lost weight and kept it off often rely on support from others to help them stay on course and get over any “bumps.” Sometimes having a friend or partner who is also losing weight or maintaining a weight loss can help you stay motivated. - 08/02/2019 - newyouweightloss 0 CommentsDo I have to give up my favorite comfort food?Read More
Do I have to give up my favorite comfort food?
No! Healthy eating is all about balance. You can enjoy your favorite foods even if they are high in calories, fat or added sugars. The key is eating them only once in a while, and balancing them out with healthier foods and more physical activity.
Some general tips for comfort foods:
Eat them less often. If you normally eat these foods every day, cut back to once a week or once a month. You’ll be cutting your calories because you’re not having the food as often.
Eat smaller amounts. If your favorite higher-calorie food is a chocolate bar, have a smaller size or only half a bar.
Try a lower-calorie version. Use lower-calorie ingredients or prepare food differently. For example, if your macaroni and cheese recipe uses whole milk, butter, and full-fat cheese, try remaking it with non-fat milk, less butter, light cream cheese, fresh spinach and tomatoes. Just remember to not increase your portion size. For more ideas on how to cut back on calories, see Eat More Weigh Less.
The point is, you can figure out how to include almost any food in your healthy eating plan in a way that still helps you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. - 08/02/2019 - newyouweightloss 1 CommentEat Healthfully and Enjoy It!Read More
Eat Healthfully and Enjoy It!
A healthy eating plan that helps you manage your weight includes a variety of foods you may not have considered. If “healthy eating” makes you think about the foods you can’t have, try refocusing on all the new foods you can eat—
Fresh, Frozen, or Canned Fruits ― don’t think just apples or bananas. All fresh, frozen, or canned fruits are great choices. Be sure to try some “exotic” fruits, too. How about a mango? Or a juicy pineapple or kiwi fruit! When your favorite fresh fruits aren’t in season, try a frozen, canned, or dried variety of a fresh fruit you enjoy. One caution about canned fruits is that they may contain added sugars or syrups. Be sure and choose canned varieties of fruit packed in water or in their own juice.Fresh, Frozen, or Canned Vegetables ― try something new. You may find that you love grilled vegetables or steamed vegetables with an herb you haven’t tried like rosemary. You can sauté (panfry) vegetables in a non-stick pan with a small amount of cooking spray. Or try frozen or canned vegetables for a quick side dish — just microwave and serve. When trying canned vegetables, look for vegetables without added salt, butter, or cream sauces. Commit to going to the produce department and trying a new vegetable each week.
Calcium-rich foods ― you may automatically think of a glass of low-fat or fat-free milk when someone says “eat more dairy products.” But what about low-fat and fat-free yogurts without added sugars? These come in a wide variety of flavors and can be a great dessert substitute for those with a sweet tooth.
A new twist on an old favorite ― if your favorite recipe calls for frying fish or breaded chicken, try healthier variations using baking or grilling. Maybe even try a recipe that uses dry beans in place of higher-fat meats. Ask around or search the internet and magazines for recipes with fewer calories ― you might be surprised to find you have a new favorite dish! - 02/02/2019 - newyouweightloss 115 CommentsMake healthy eating a habit!Read More
Most people are creatures of habit. We go to the grocery store on the same day every week and fill our carts with the same stuff. If it’s Monday, chicken’s for dinner and Wednesday always means spaghetti. We are comforted with knowing what to expect—even if our meals aren’t that exciting, we know what we’re going to eat.
That’s what makes eating healthier so scary sometimes. We are so used to eating a certain way that we rarely think about what we’re actually putting into our bodies. So to eat a healthier diet means actually waking up and paying attention to what’s on your plate.
Make Healthy Eating a Habit
Eating healthier doesn’t have to be overwhelming. If you want to adopt healthy habits that will last, then the easiest way to do it is by making small, gradual changes. Don’t expect too much from yourself too soon—it takes about a month for any new action to become habit.Track everything that goes in your mouth, including drinks and treats, no matter how small. Keeping a food journal will really open your eyes—realizing that you ate 10 cookies over the course of the week might make you think twice before reaching into the cookie jar again tonight, for example. You might not realize how bad your present eating habits are until you see an unhealthy pattern right there in black and white. Once you see that some changes are in order, then you’re ready to take the next steps.
Small Changes Mean Big Rewards
If you can’t stand the taste of broccoli, then vowing to eat it more often is pretty unrealistic. But if increasing the number of vegetables you eat each day is one of your goals, start by finding a few different ones that you can painlessly work into your diet. Make sure you select a variety of colors (dark green, red, orange, etc.) to get the most nutrients per bite. Add some shredded carrots to your muffin batter or top your pizza with fresh tomatoes, for example.If you know you need to eat more fruit, start by adding some sliced bananas to your cereal in the morning or bake an apple with a bit of brown sugar for a yummy, low-cal dessert. Fresh berries and yogurt make a nice, light breakfast or snack too.
As you adopt this new style of eating, you will find that your food preferences will gradually change—when you cut out high-sugar, high-fat goodies, your cravings will actually go away in time. Your body wants healthy food!
One of the biggest challenges to eating healthier is finding substitutions for existing foods in your diet. Here are some tips to make the transition easier:
Use mustard instead of mayo on your sandwiches. You’ll get lots of flavor with much fewer calories and fat.Select whole wheat bread over white bread. Be sure to read the label to ensure you’re getting whole grains, not just colored white bread.
Eat the white meat of turkey or chicken, which is lower in fat than dark meat, red meat and pork. Animal fat is the number one dietary source of unhealthy saturated fat. If you do choose to eat meat, pick lean ground beef, pork tenderloin or chicken breast instead of high-fat cuts of meat.
Substitute fish fillets for higher-fat proteins–and get a boost of omega-3s in the process. Added bonus: seafood often cooks quicker and more easily than chicken or beef!
Change your cooking methods. Bake, grill or broil your meals instead of frying. Use non-stick sprays—or better yet, non-stick pans—instead of oil.
Drink more water. Slowly reduce the amount of soda you drink and replace it with herbal tea or water. Aim for eight cups of pure water each day.
Don’t drink your calories. Eat a whole orange instead of drinking a glass of juice, for example. Real food is usually more filling and more nutritious than juices, fruit drinks, and other high-calorie beverages.
Serve sauces and dressings on the side. Dip your fork into the sauce, then dip your fork into the food. You’ll still have the flavor but with fewer calories.
Gradually switch to skim milk. Milk commonly comes in four varieties: whole (4% fat), 2%, 1% and skim (0% fat). Gradually wean yourself from the higher-fat varieties to the lower fat milk every two weeks. For example: continue drinking your normal 2% milk for two weeks, then move to 1% for two weeks, and then your palate will be ready for the consistency of skim milk.
Switch from full-fat cheeses to reduced-fat or fat-free cheeses the same way you would with milk (see tip above).
Order vegetables on the side instead of fries. Flavor them with lemon juice or herbs instead of butter.
Snack on fruit and veggies instead of sugary treats. This combo will sustain you to your next meal and you won’t have the energy slump that comes after eating candy.
Reduce your portion size. Most people will eat whatever amount of food is in front of them, so start putting your meals on smaller plates. You will be just as satisfied because your mind “sees” that you’re eating a full plate of food.
Eating a healthier diet doesn’t have to mean deprivation. You don’t have to cut out your favorite foods completely—you just have to make a few changes. Treat yourself to a mini chocolate bar instead of a full-sized one, for example. By trying to eat the most nutritious foods possible, you are creating a healthy lifestyle that will help you reach your best weight. You deserve the very best! - 26/01/2019 - newyouweightloss 0 CommentsEmotional EatingRead More
HEADLINE: Emotional Eating is a Problem
Your reaction: Tell me something I don’t know…
By now, you likely know what emotional eating is. You probably realize that emotions cause 75% of overeating. You’re an expert on how to discover times and triggers of high emotions. What you’re waiting on are alternatives. Enter exercise.
Exercise is a great emotional outlet because it provides remedies for many of the emotions that trigger eating. Plus it’s a healthy alternative.
You’re in control
Different feelings can cause emotional spells. Loss of control is one. Maybe you’re going through a difficult break-up. Your company is downsizing. A family member is ill. You can go all day feeling like you’re losing control – until the moment you open the fridge. Now, the control is back.Exercise can remedy this even better, providing the same in-control feelings that food does. You can decide which exercises you do, where you exercise and for how long, and the list goes on. Work out in the living room, or at the park. Break a quick sweat in 15 minutes, or walk for an hour. Unlike other areas in your life, this choice is yours.
Reverse the unhealthy trend
Hopelessness is another cause of emotional eating. You may feel unhealthy, overweight, and that you can’t do anything about it. So you turn to comfort foods, typically unhealthy ones, and simply add to the problem. Exercise is another way to deal with your emotions and to regain hope, only it’s a healthy version. All exercise holds some healthy benefits; there’s no exercise that will make you unhealthier.Rely on others
What does food provide when you’re emotional? For most, it’s comfort. Why not turn to a friend or family member instead for that comfort? If you’re worried they won’t have time for you, that’s where fitness comes into play. Exercising with a fitness buddy or a group when stress and emotions hit benefits everyone. You are able to share your time and your feelings with someone you trust. Perhaps they have some great advice for you, or you may think of a better way to handle the issue just by saying it out-loud.Plus, with this strategy, everyone receives the benefits of working out. It’s a win-win situation for you and your fitness buddy!
Comfort exercises
When emotions hit, some of us open the fridge and find our favorite foods to console us. Think about some exercises that you find comforting instead. “Comfort exercises” are your favorites, the ones you always enjoy. They should be activities you look at as FUN, not as work.You can have a different comfort exercise for each season (running in the winter, yard work in the summer) or for different times of day (push-ups in the morning, stretching in the evening). You can have several comfort exercises, or just one. Discover what exercises you truly enjoy, ones you look forward to, and lean on them when your emotions strike.
- 24/01/2019 - newyouweightloss 1 CommentTofu,Tofu,TofuRead More
Let’s start at the very beginning of the tofu story. Tofu was invented over 2,000 years ago in China. Like many great inventions, tofu was an accident. Legend has it that a chef, attempting to flavor soymilk with nigari (a crystallized salt) wound up with curdled soymilk. The adventurous chef then tasted the curdles and fortunately, shared the discovery with everyone. Tofu has evolved over the many years since its discovery, branching off from the original product into a plethora of varieties. All those choices can be confusing for the beginner tofu connoisseur, so here’s a guide to all the species of tofu.
Tofu: Plain and Simple
To describe tofu as soybean curd turns many people off, so try this analogy: Cheese is to cow’s milk as tofu is to soymilk. Although the flavor is not at all the same as cheese, a similar process is used to make it. While you won’t see a product called “plain tofu” on the supermarket shelves, what you will see is basic tofu prepared many different ways. But before we delve into the varieties, let’s get the basics straight
For you do-it-yourselfers out there—or for those who just want a better understanding—here is a simple, step-by-step description of how basic tofu is made.Soak soybeans overnight until tender, then bring to a boil.
Blend the soybeans with water to make a slush.
Strain the slush through a cheesecloth, reserving the liquid. (This liquid is soymilk.)
Add a coagulating agent (nigari, lemon juice, etc.) to the soymilk to curdle it.
Press the curdles into the shape you desire.
This basic recipe is modified to make many different products. Now let’s talk varieties.Firm Tofu
This is tofu that has a firm texture. You’ll find “Firm” and “Extra-Firm” styles, but actual textures vary greatly by brand. Firm style tofu is best for stir-fries, or for replacing meat in a recipe. The best thing about these varieties is that they take on the flavor of the dish into which they are incorporated. So you can spice, sweeten, or marinate to your hearts content—you decide the flavor. Firm varieties of tofu are available in both refrigerated and shelf-stable packages. Just open, drain the water, slice, and cook as desired. If you don’t use the whole block at once, cover the rest with water and store (tightly covered) in the refrigerator for up to five days, changing the water daily.Soft Tofu
This is tofu that has a much softer texture. “Soft” or “Silken” varieties are good for making smoothies, pudding, soups, or any other creamy dish—just scoop it straight from the package into the blender or mixing bowl. Like firm tofu, it takes on the flavor of its respective dish, is available in both refrigerated and shelf-stable packages, and should be stored in the fridge after opening.Flavored Tofu
Relatively new to the scene, flavored tofu has become a popular variety. Basically it’s just plain tofu, already spiced, seasoned, marinated, or smoked for you. It can be eaten right out of the package, on sandwiches or salads, or incorporated into recipes like stir-fries. It is available in the refrigerated section of supermarkets and natural foods stores, and can be kept in your fridge until the best by date. Just make sure you keep it tightly sealed to prevent it from drying out.With all of the brands of tofu on the market, you’ll have to do some taste testing to find your favorites. But armed with some basic tofu knowledge, you might feel a little less overwhelmed and more likely to enjoy the adventure. So the next time you run into some tofu, give it a chance- you’ll be surprised at how delicious it can be!
- 23/01/2019 - newyouweightloss 1 CommentLosing Weight as we get olderRead More
Are you sabotaging yourself without even knowing it? Here’s how to find out—and start getting results.
It’s rare to hear anyone, at any age, brag about how easy it is to maintain their ideal size. But as you get older, it might seem like the struggle to stay slim is even greater than it used to be. You’re not imagining it.
Many older adults find that moving around becomes more difficult, so you end up burning fewer calories throughout the day. Meanwhile, muscle mass typically declines with age. The result is weight gain, which can raise your risk of conditions like diabetes and heart disease.
Losing excess pounds can make you feel better and protect your health—but what if you’ve already tried and nothing seems to work? You could be sabotaging yourself without even knowing it. Here are seven common obstacles on the path to weight loss success—and how to jump right over them.Weight Loss Mistake #1: It Hurts to Move, So You Don’t
Maybe you have arthritis in your knee, a bad back, or are recovering from some sort of surgery. While you definitely need to get clearance from your doctor first, there’s a pretty good chance that you can and should still be exercising. While no one is suggesting you run a marathon, there are lots of low impact activities that are probably safe for you, like walking, water aerobics, yoga, and tai chi. Maintaining strength and flexibility is key to staying mobile—and feeling better and younger.
Exercise is considered the most effective non-drug treatment for reducing pain and improving movement. A combo of flexibility, aerobic, and strength training moves is best. Aerobic or cardio exercise helps you burn calories, and strength or resistance training builds muscle mass, which kicks up your metabolism (more on this later). Major bonus: As the weight starts to come off, it will take pressure off aching joints.
When pain is a problem, you’ll also want to pay attention to your diet and eat anti-inflammatory foods. Aim to eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies, fatty fish like salmon, beans, and whole grains. Limit processed foods and added sugar, which have empty calories—meaning they are high in calories but low in nutrients.
If you’re concerned about inflammation, you may want to cut back on vegetable oils since they’re high in omega-6 fats, which can produce inflammatory chemicals.Weight Loss Mistake #2: Your Diet Is Stuck in 1985
The science on what to eat to lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way has shifted a lot over the years. “A lot of people in older generations still think coffee and OJ for breakfast means you’re on a good diet,” says Cris Dobrosielski, a spokesperson for the American Council on Exercise and author of Going the Distance: The Three Essential Elements of Optimal Lifelong Fitness and Injury Prevention. “But it’s just sugar, and you need protein and fiber.”
If you’re not sure what to eat, it’s time to do a little homework.
Hint: Aim to fill half your plate at every meal with fruits and veggies, then add some whole grains, lean protein, and a little dairy to keep your bones strong. Controlling portions is also crucial. The correct serving size of protein is about a deck of cards, but many people will eat several decks of cards.Weight Loss Mistake #3: You Focus on Cutting, Not Adding
Sure, you can lose weight by eating nothing but toast and tea, but the goal is to become fit and strong—not weak and frail. You need good nutrients to preserve muscle and bone mass.
Most older adults don’t get nearly enough fiber or potassium, an important mineral found in potatoes, spinach, and bananas.
Think about what you might be lacking in your diet, you should naturally have less room for the not-so-healthy foods—like refined carbs, which have less fiber than whole grains—that might be contributing to weight gain. In other words, be choosy. It’s not just about reducing your intake.Weight Loss Mistake #4: You Never Snack
It might seem counterintuitive, but eating more frequently usually translates to eating less overall, Dobrosielski says. “I often ask clients who are older adults to tell me about the snacks they eat, and they say ‘I don’t eat any snacks!’ Well, I’m going to advocate that you do!”
The problem, he explains, is that people who avoid eating between meals often end up overdoing it when they finally chow down. Ideally, you shouldn’t be going more than three to four hours without food. The goal is to keep your blood sugar stable and your appetite in check.
That said, you’re not going to lose weight if you’re snacking on chips and candy all day. Stock up on a few healthy nibbles to keep you fueled. Dobrosielski suggests an apple, some low-fat Greek yogurt with berries, or a few lean slices of deli meat wrapped in lettuce.Weight Loss Mistake #5: You’re Tormented by Your Scale
You probably wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t want to lose weight. But should you even lose weight? About 41 percent of the 60+ crowd are considered obese, so the answer may very well be yes. But it’s still a topic that’s worth discussing with your doctor.
Another issue is that some people think they ought to be “skinny,” but being too thin—especially as you get older—is also potentially dangerous. While you may very well have pounds of fat to lose, in some cases it’s better to keep the scale steady or even put on a little weight if it means adding lean muscle mass with strength training, Dobrosielski says. Strong, not skeletal, should be your goal.
If you’re managing diabetes, heart disease, or another chronic condition, talk to your doctor about your healthiest weight. A healthy weight can reduce symptoms and lower your risk of health complications.Weight Loss Mistake #6: You Rely on “Health Foods” and Your Own Willpower
Being on a retiree’s budget shouldn’t constrain your weight loss efforts in any way, Dobrosielski says. “You don’t need to buy expensive powders or shop at specialty stores,” he says. “You can go to the local supermarket and do delightfully well on a relatively low budget—as long as you do a good job of reading labels.” Look for options with less fat, sodium, and sugar. Choose options with more fiber, protein, and other nutrients.
The most important thing you can do is actually free but not necessarily easy: It’s breaking some long-ingrained bad habits and replacing them with better ones. “Establishing good habits is far more powerful than relying on willpower,” Dobrosielski says.
Start small. Try preparing the same healthy breakfast every morning or taking a walk at the same time every day until it starts to feel almost automatic. Then build from there - 14/12/2018 - Joni Nelson 1 Comment10 Ways to fit exercise in !Read More
What’s the No. 1 excuse for not working out? Lack of time. Sure, we’re all busy handling multiple priorities and rushing around from here and there every day. However, I promise that no matter how busy you are, someone even busier than you are is working out right now. If you look closer, you’ll discover that you do have the time to work out—and you deserve to use that time for yourself.
Squeezing in just a few minutes of physical exercise a day has huge benefits on your health, gives you energy and perks up your mood. In fact, a new study published by The Lancet found that if inactive people increased their physical activity by just 15 minutes per day, they could reduce their risk of premature death by 14% and increase their life expectancy by three years. Also, remember that “working out” doesn’t have to happen in the gym or last for an hour! Short 10-minute bursts of exercise, accumulated over the course of the day, can add up to big fitness and health gains, too.
Still not convinced that you have the time to exercise? Here’s how to start fitting fitness into your busy life today!
10 Practical Tips to Fit Fitness into Your Busy Life
1. Wake up earlier. Sleep is definitely important for overall health and weight-loss, but could you hit the sheets just 30 minutes earlier, so that you could get up and work out before your day starts? Working out in the morning has numerous benefits including regulating appetite, boosting energy and—perhaps the biggest benefit of all—an A.M. sweat session ensures that your workout is checked off first thing each day! Because really, how many times have you had the best intentions to exercise in the evening, only to have to work late, help your kids with a project or generally just feel too exhausted to get off the couch? With morning workouts, the time problem is solved!
2. Cut down on media. For just a few days, record how much time you spend surfing the Internet, checking personal email, watching TV and playing video games whether it’s on your computer or your phone. You just might be surprised at how much time you spend on Facebook or playing Angry Birds. Just a few minutes here and there can add up to an hour or more each day. Cut out just some of that screen time and, voila, you suddenly have time to squeeze in at least 10 or 15 minutes of exercise into even the busiest day.
3. Be an active TV watcher. It’s unrealistic to never watch TV or to shun the Internet forever. So when you do, try to incorporate some physical activity. When watching TV, make it a point to do some jumping jacks or push-ups during commercials. Doing a little exercise during the commercial breaks can add up to almost 20 minutes of fitness for every hour of TV you watch. And instead of sitting in a chair when on the computer, try sitting on a stability ball or stack your computer up on some books so that you have a standing desk to surf from. No matter how you do it, try not to sit for more than 20 minutes at a time!
4. Try an active commute. One of the best ways to fit exercise into your life is by incorporating it into your school or work transportation routine. If you live close enough, consider biking to work. If you take the bus, walk to a bus stop that’s an extra block or two away, or get off the bus a stop sooner than usual and get a few more steps in. And if you drive to work, park as far away as you can—even a few blocks away, if possible. - 05/10/2018 - Joni Nelson 0 CommentsWhat to order at StarbucksRead More
Starbucks…HELP! What do I order?
Choose a size …………~ Tall 12oz, Grande 16oz, Venti 24oz
*You can add sweetener, cinnamon, nutmeg or any flavor of the sugar free syrups to all drinks. Iced coffee, hot coffee, iced tea, hot tea
Most any of the tea is allowed if you say UNSWEETENED, all teas can be made hot or iced, REMEMBER IF ITS ZERO CALOIES YOU CAN HAVE IT, ORDER UNSWEETENEDTeas that are definitely allowed-
Comfort Wellness Brewed Tea Defense Wellness Brewed Tea
Emperors Cloud and Mist Green Tea Jade Citrus Mint Green Tea
Mint Majesty Herbal Tea Organic Jade Citrus Mint Brewed Tea
Passion Tango Herbal Tea Peach Tranquility Herbal Tea
Rev UP Wellness Brewed Tea Royal English Breakfast Tea
Youth Berry White Tea Teavana Earl Grey Brewed Tea
Teavana Organic Chai TeaCoffees that are definitely allowed-
Unsweetened Iced Coffee 0-5 calories
-add coconut, almond or non-fat milk only adds and extra 20-25 calories
Blonde Roast Clover Brewed Coffee
Decaf Pike Roast Pike Place Roast
Featured Dark Roast Nitro Cold Brew Unsweetened
Starbucks Cold Brew Café Americano
Iced Café Americano Blonde Café Americano - 11/07/2018 - Joni Nelson 0 CommentsTips to keep on track when things get crazyRead More
1. Ask for help
You do not have to go through life alone. It’s OK to ask family and friends to help you out. You do not score any brownie points by trying to do it all. In fact you may find yourself so overwhelmed that staying committed to your healthy lifestyle is much harder than when you have others to help you along the way.
2. Keep exercising
This can be tough when you feel as though you are being pulled in a thousand different directions, exercise is a big stress reliever. Even if you can’t keep up with your normal exercise routine, going for a quick walk or even doing some stair climbing in the stairwell can do wonders to clear your mind and more importantly reduce the stress.
3. Rest is important, too
If you have children you know that when they get overly tired they are much more difficult to manage. Sleep and rest help us recharge our batteries. Even if you find yourself sneaking in rest when your loved one is resting, it may be just what your body needs.
Deep breathing seems like such a simple act, but it can do wonders in helping relieve stress and tension we hold in our bodies. Just three short minutes of concentrated breathing can help lower stress levels and release tension and anxiety.
5. Be sure to eat
Remember food is fuel for your body. It is what gives us energy especially when our meal time schedule is off. Sugary foods and junk food from the vending machine can actually leave you drained, therefore bringing healthy snacks is a great option.
6. Talk with others
While it may seem overwhelming,sharing your concerns with other families who are experiencing similar problems can actually validate your feelings. Validations of emotions can make us feel normal– that it’s OK to feel the way we do. And you may be surprised that sometimes others who have walked this journey can offer you help and insight to your own situation.
7. Accept that you cannot do it all
This is by far one of the most difficult areas for me to accept. As a type A perfectionist, I do not like when I am forced to shorten my workout sessions, maybe not eat as well as I should, get upset with the way things are done or not done, etc, but this is life. A few weeks of not so healthy choices will not knock me down UNLESS I allow the guilt to consume me. I can only do the best I can do knowing that it will only be a matter of time before I am back to my normal, or maybe even my new normal, routine.
8. Seek guidance from others
It is amazing how many people are willing to help, you just need to step out of your comfort zone.
9. It’s OK to let things slide
I love an immaculate home, but accepting that there is only so much time in a day to get everything done has become my new way of living. It’s OK that I do not get EVERYTHING done. It will still be here when things settle down, but giving myself permission to let the household duties slide is a huge stress reliever, too.
- 07/06/2018 - Joni Nelson 0 CommentsAre you ready to begin a healthy streak today?Read More
Are you ready to begin a healthy streak today?
Here’s some food for thought: If you put in a partial effort today you will get partial results. On the other hand, if you give it your all you will get a complete result. What are you going to do today? Will you raise the bar and give it your all? Will you say “How can I challenge myself?”
1. By setting attainable goals
2. By being realistic
3. By deciding today that this is the day to put my plan in action
4. By tracking my food
5. By tracking my fitness
6. By staying focused
7. By staying within my calorie range - 31/05/2018 - Joni Nelson 0 CommentsWeighing yourself too often?Read More
. Weighing yourself too often.
When you embark on a weight-loss journey, it might seem counterintuitive to avoid looking at the scale—but weight fluctuates day to day for a variety of reasons, including water retention or hormonal fluctuations. Trainer and founder of Fit Armadillo Catherine Basu has often seen clients who gain weight one day, become discouraged and want to give up. “To avoid getting discouraged by the numbers on the scale, it’s best to weigh yourself once a week at the same time—or maybe not at all,” she suggests. “Instead, take circumference measurements, particularly at your hips and waist. These are a much better indicator of your overall health and success.”
Instead of getting caught up in the numbers, Jessica May Tang, corporate wellness coach and founder of Damon Wellness Consulting, recommends focusing on finding your “meaningful why.” Remind yourself of the reasons you started down the path to weight loss in the first place; chances are they have more to do with quality of life and less to do with hitting some arbitrary weight. Remember, having more energy to keep up with your active children or tend to your garden is more meaningful than any number.
- 31/05/2018 - Joni Nelson 0 CommentsSkimping on SleepRead More
Skimping on sleep.
Before you pat yourself on the back for prepping meals into the wee hours of the night or waking before dawn for a drowsy workout, know that your scant sleep could be sabotaging your weight-loss goals. According to Dr. Caroline Apovian, director of the Nutrition and Weight Management Center at the Boston Medical Center, adults who sleep less than seven hours per night are 30 to 80 percent more likely to develop cardiovascular disease, hypertension and type 2 diabetes as those who sleep eight hours or more.
“Research has shown that lack of sleep may be a potential contributor to weight gain and the growing obesity epidemic, as it causes disruptions to a number of hormonal and metabolic processes,” says Jessica Matthews, senior advisor for health and fitness education for the American Council on Exercise. A research study conducted at the University of Chicago found that partial sleep deprivation can lead to increased appetite, as the circulating levels of hormones that regulate hunger are altered by decreases in shuteye. To keep your weight-loss efforts on track and to support your overall health and well-being, Matthews recommends devoting at least a solid seven to eight hours per night to good, quality sleep.
- 31/05/2018 - Joni Nelson 110 CommentsIgnoring Portion SizesRead More
Ignoring portion sizes.
It may be tempting to fill your entire plate with health-boosting superfoods, but portion sizes still matter. “Eating reasonable portions is what allows you to fill your diet with the variety you need to get a wide array of nutrients,” says Dr. Seti. Also, keep in mind that many nutritious foods—such as almonds, walnuts, avocados, dark chocolate and red wine—are still calorically dense. Even options like berries can add up to an excess of natural sugars if eaten with reckless abandon. While it’s great to choose superfoods, remember to always use common sense when it comes to serving sizes.
- 16/05/2018 - Joni Nelson 1 CommentDont give up!Read More
“Never give in. Never. Never. Never. Never.” – Winston Churchill
“Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.” – Samuel Johnson
These quotes all say the same thing. No matter how many obstacles you run into, what matters is that you’re able to overcome each of them, one at a time.
“Two steps forward, one step back” is usually a negative term to describe someone who is having trouble making progress. But switched around, “1 Step Back, 2 Steps Forward” means that instead of grousing or feeling guilty about a misstep, you can still come out ahead if you put your head down and push forward.Steps back can take many forms: a family vacation, breaks in your routine, personal tragedies, injuries, or that lost weekend in front of the tube. A big mistake people make when trying to get healthier is that when they fall off a bit or something happens, they think they “have to start over”. Wrong! When missteps do happen, a better strategy is to simply take two steps forward. You’re still ahead of where you were before, far beyond the starting line.
In tennis, losing one point isn’t the end of the world. It happens to the best of them. In fact, if you can consistently win a few more points that you lose, you may end up in the hall of fame. With healthy eating and exercising, as long as you’re consistently out-stepping your steps back, you’re ahead of the game. If you expect perfection (and many of us do), you’re setting yourself up for disappointment and guilt.
Guilt can be debilitating to your healthy habits. When you mess up (or even when things are messed up for you), it’s natural to feel guilty. At that point, you have a choice: to let that guilt plummet you into a cycle that could spit you out worse off than before, or to accept the step back and say “where do I go from here?”
Of course, consistent success is still something to strive for. You don’t want to roller-coaster up and down. That’s an “old” habit, remember? And the 1Step/2Step strategy doesn’t lessen the need to do your best. You should still work hard to keep those steps back from happening. But it helps to be prepared with a plan and a positive attitude for when they do happen.
Many times, this means a rededication, a refocusing, and a recommitment. You might want to look at your program and see why it’s allowing those landmines to stick around. Use it as a learning process. Ask how you can keep that misstep from happening again.
Take a walk in the woods to clear your head and regroup.
Have a personal “bounce back” motto that will re-energize you. Put it everywhere.
Take a break if you think you’re trying too hard.
Return to the basics. Are you making it too complicated and tough on yourself?
Plan ahead for irregularities in your schedule, call ahead to healthy restaurants, pack healthy snacks.
Stay aware of what you’re doing. One meal mess up can turn into a one day mess up, a one week mess up if you’re not careful.
Remind yourself of your success so far when you need a boost.
Unlike people who run 10 miles today because they should have run two yesterday, “2 Steps Forward” doesn’t necessarily mean doing a lot more to make up for a blunder. Just make a commitment to do things as right as possible as much as you can. - 15/05/2018 - Joni Nelson 0 CommentsReasons to strength train!Read More
Reasons to strength train~
1. You’ll be better at, well, everything. No, we’re not overexaggerating the benefits. The physical act of lifting weights (or other forms of resistance) helps your body to increase its muscle mass, which makes lifting anything—not just dumbbells—easier. So carrying those groceries in? Picking your kids up? Cleaning the house? Walking up stairs? All easier when you lift weights! In addition, regularly lifting weights helps to improve your flexibility, balance and coordination. In fact, strength training has been shown to reduce the risk of falling by 40%, so this type of exercise is good for people of all ages.
2. You’ll burn more calories. You probably already know that the physical act of lifting weights burns calories (especially if you do circuit training, which gives you some cardio benefits, too!), but did you know that strength training can help you to burn more calories even when you’re not working out? It all goes back to building muscle. It takes more energy (calories) for your body to use and maintain muscle cells than it does fat cells. So by simply lifting weights to add more muscle mass, you’re boosting your metabolism and turning your body into a more efficient calorie-burning machine.
3. You’ll improve your mood and handle stress better. Ever heard of “runner’s high?” Well, it doesn’t just apply to running. All forms of exercise, including strength training, have been shown to release endorphins, which make you feel good. In addition, strength training has been shown to decrease tension and anxiety, thereby also making it a great de-stressor. Research shows that fit people have lower levels of stress hormones than sedentary individuals do. Still not convinced? There’s even some evidence that weight-bearing exercise can help beat depression. Resistance training is truly good for the body and the mind!
4. You’ll help your heart. Strength training is so good for the heart that the American Heart Association recommends it as a top way to keep your heart healthy. Studies show that strength training can help prevent heart disease and can even help reduce risks and problems in individuals who already have heart disease. Furthermore, several studies have found that lifting weights at a moderate intensity can lower bad cholesterol levels and raise good cholesterol levels, boosting heart health. Additionally, research conducted in the College of Health Sciences’ Department of Health, Leisure and Exercise Science at Appalachian State University has shown that resistance training can lower blood pressure by as much as 20%. Researchers say that the healthy heart benefits come from the increased blood flow to the muscles, heart and bod
5. You’ll build stronger bones. We may not think of them as such, but bones actually comprise living tissue that get stronger with exercise. With regular strength training and other forms of weight-bearing exercise like walking and running, you actually improve the health and strength of your bones by improving or maintaining (depending on your age) your bone density. Lifting weights has even been shown to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and related fractures.
6. You’ll reduce your risk of diabetes (and improve your quality of life if you have diabetes). Regular strength training at a moderate intensity helps prevent diabetes in a number of ways. First and foremost, lifting weights helps improve the way the body processes sugar. Researchers have also found that weight lifting helps to improve insulin sensitivity and blood glucose control. Additionally, as stated above, resistance training improves heart health by controlling cholesterol and blood pressure, both of which play a role in diabetes management. Researchers have also found that when people with diabetes lift weights, it can improve their quality of life, too.
7. You’ll lose more weight and look slimmer. Besides burning more calories and boosting your metabolism, lifting weights will also help you to lose more body fat. A study from Penn State University found that, on average, people who lift weights lose six more pounds of fat than those who don’t pump iron. Again, it all comes down to muscle. When you cut calories and start exercising, your body has to pull energy to fuel your body from somewhere. When you’re just focusing on dieting, the body uses fat for energy, but it also breaks down muscles for fuel (which is not a good thing). When you combine weight training with a reduced-calorie diet, however, you are actually helping to build and maintain muscle mass while you’re losing weight. As a result, your body pulls more energy from your fat stores to keep you going, so you lose more fat while preserving muscle–a win-win!
8. You’ll stand taller. If you are following a full-body strength training plan, don’t be surprised if you start noticing yourself standing with better posture. Lifting weights can help to improve your range of motion, coordination, and the strength of the muscles that help keep your body upright. So just a few weeks of strength training can help you to stand taller, with your shoulders back and your chin up, which makes you appear more confident and look even slimmer!
9. You’ll have better focus. Strength training has also been shown to boost brain health. According to an article in the Archives of Internal Medicine, older women who did an hour or two of weight lifting each week improved their cognitive function, and better planned and executed a variety tasks. So the next time your boss wants you to stay late and miss your regular evening workout, tell her your brain has work to do–at the gym!
10. You’ll sleep better. Sometimes, exercising too close to bedtime can make it hard for you to fall asleep. But performing strength training (at least two hours before bedtime) has been shown to help prevent sleep apnea and help with insomnia. Not to mention that after a good weight-lifting session, it just feels good to hit the hay!
So what are you waiting for? Get out there and pick up some weights to start cashing in on these incredible health benefits!
- 08/05/2018 - Joni Nelson 0 CommentsMetabolism Don’tsRead More
Metabolism DON’TS
Don’t reduce your calorie intake too low. The fact that you gain weight easily is proof that your body likes to shift into fat-storage mode at the drop of a hat, and going too low on calories is one of the easiest ways to trigger that reaction (often referred to as starvation mode). Don’t fall for the mistaken idea that the less you eat, the more you’ll lose—that’s just not how your body works. Staying within your recommended calorie range will keep your internal furnace stoked so that you have more capacity to burn stored fat.
Don’t skip meals. Going too long between meals affects your body chemistry in ways that can make weight loss more difficult. Most people can manage their hunger and avoid cravings and overeating by spreading out their calories into four to five small, well-balanced meals or snacks during the day. Try not to go more than four to five hours without eating something.
Don’t short yourself on shut eye. More research is showing that chronic sleep deprivation plays a significant role in weight gain. Your body needs plenty of “downtime” for the internal housekeeping that keeps your metabolism in good working order. The occasional late night won’t hurt you, but consistently sleeping just one hour less than you need may slow down your weight loss considerably.
Metabolism DOs
Build muscle! This is the most important action you can take to maintain a high metabolic rate while trying to lose weight. Strength training prevents you from losing a lot of muscle along with the fat you lose when dieting. If you don’t strength train regularly, up to 30% of the weight you lose could be muscle tissue. Considering that a pound of muscle burns about 3 times more calories per day than a pound of fat even when you’re sitting still (and up to 15-20 times more calories per minute when you’re physically active), you can see the problems this can cause. If you lose 20 pounds of weight (and 30% of that weight loss is muscle—seven pounds), you’ll be slowing your metabolism and your fat burning capacity down by a significant amount. A simple strength training program twice a week can limit your muscle loss to almost zero, and keep your metabolism running high.
Stay as active as possible. The more you use your muscles, the more calories you will burn. Moderate exercise like walking can burn three to six times more calories per minute than sitting still, and high intensity exercise like interval training can burn more than 12 times as much. Likewise, the more you vary your daily activity and exercise, the more you keep your body on its fat-burning toes.
Don’t just sit there. If you’re watching TV or sitting at your desk, get up frequently to do a few exercises. Keep those resistance bands and dumbbells nearby at all times—you can fit a complete strength training workout into the commercial breaks of a one-hour TV show. Ditch your chair and sit on a stability ball (or a stationary bike) instead—even fidgeting can help!
Exercise in the morning or in frequent bouts. Both strength and cardio exercises boost metabolism by increasing your calorie burn even AFTER your session is done. You can get the most out of this perk by starting your day with a workout or by incorporating multiple exercise sessions into your day. Longer or intense workouts have a greater “after burn” but even a 15-minute walk will make a difference.
Try interval training. The harder you work, the more calories you will burn both during and after exercise—plus your fitness level will really improve. Studies show that exercising as intensely as you can, for at least 10 minutes per day, produces the best results. Interval training is an effective way to increase the intensity and duration of your workouts without running yourself into the ground or risking injury.
Include mental exercises. One of the most important (but least recognized) factors in keeping your metabolic fires well stoked is managing stress effectively. Chronic stress disrupts the hormones that regulate everything from appetite to fat storage, and can defeat even the best exercise and eating plans. The more effort you put into recognizing and handling stress, the better off you’ll be. Include some time in your schedule every day for relaxation exercises, yoga, journaling, and other stress management activities.
And Most Importantly…
Make exercise and healthy eating FUN! Experiment frequently with new exercises and recipes, or anything that keeps you interested and adds some spice to your program. Well, don’t stop there. The more variety you can put in your diet and your exercise routine, the more stimulating it will be. That makes it easy to put your best efforts forward, and get a major metabolic return on your investment. - 04/05/2018 - Joni Nelson 0 Comments6 ways the scale lies!Read More
6 ways the scale can lie to you!
The scale can be a valuable tool in any weight-loss journey. It can tell you where you started and help you track your progress. It’s the tool people use most as a measure of success–or failure.
1. Right after you’ve eaten.
You ate a meal and now the scale is up five pounds? What gives? No, you didn’t actually gain that body fat from eating a heavy meal. It’s more likely that your blood volume has increased due to the quantity of food you’ve eaten, and the weight of all that food is still sitting in your stomach and digestive system. Likewise, high sodium content can cause you to retain fluid. Chances are you’re not going to like what your scale is telling you for a few hours or days, but that doesn’t mean the meal you ate caused real, permanent weight gain.2. During your first few weeks of a new diet or exercise program.
When you first start exercising or eating healthier, it’s tempting to start jumping on the scale constantly to see progress. If you do, you may see some pretty significant losses, which can be really motivating! But don’t get discouraged when those numbers slow down a few weeks into the new plan.According to the Mayo Clinic, a rapid weight-loss is normal in the first few weeks of almost any weight-loss program. When calories from food are reduced, the body gets needed energy by releasing its stores of glycogen, a type of carbohydrate found in the muscles and liver. Glycogen holds onto water, so when glycogen is burned for energy, it also releases water, resulting in substantial weight loss that’s mostly water (not body fat
Try to avoid jumping on the scale too much during those first few weeks of a new diet or fitness program. It can be discouraging when your weight doesn’t change as quickly as you’d like, and it can be equally discouraging when it stops budging after initial success. A moderate friendship with the scale–not an obsession–will help you gauge your progress but won’t drive you crazy.
3. Immediately after a workout. You just ran for an hour on the treadmill so you strip down and hop on the scale in the locker room to see how much fat you burned off. Sorry, but fat loss doesn’t happen immediately. Any weight change you really see is lost water weight through sweating that will come right back as soon as you rehydrate. This is another reason why it’s best to weigh-in consistently at the same time of day (just not every day!) for the most reliable measure.
4. You just chugged a bunch of water.
Just as you notice the loss from sweat, you can also notice the gain of water from drinking a lot of fluids. A large 16-ounce glass of water will translate into roughly a pound on the scale; your body will get rid of it, but immediately after you drink it, it’s going to show.5. Just before bedtime.
You weighed in first thing when you got out of bed this morning, but before you hit the hay you find yourself wanting to check in again just in case you lost anything today. But try to hold back: If you find yourself a few pounds over or under your morning weight, you haven’t suddenly lost or gained. Instead, it’s just the timing of your last meal, your last workout, your last drink of water, and how much your PJs weigh. For this reason, experts recommend weighing the same day each week, at the same time of day, wearing the same clothing, using the same scale to get as accurate of a picture of your true weight as possible.6. Practically any time during your menstrual cycle.
For women, it’s a crapshoot. The changes that happen in your body throughout your menstrual cycle make your weight fluctuate constantly by up to five pounds during menstruation, your follicular phase, ovulation and PMS. Even more reason not to stress about a couple of pounds here or there, as this type of weight gain tends to come and go.So don’t let those daily fluctuations discourage you–or get you too excited–when it comes to weight loss. Use your scale as a guide, not the definitive standard of success. The best way to use the scale is to weigh in at the same time of day every couple of weeks. Even then, your body could be maintaining or losing body fat even if the scale never budges. Be sure to find other ways to measure your progress and success outside of the scale—and you’ll stay more motivated for the long haul.
- 24/04/2017 - newyouweightloss 0 CommentsSite LaunchRead More
Our new website is finally up. We’ve worked hard to get a beautiful new site ready and we’re proud to show it off. Thanks for reading our blog. We have lots of great blog posts in the works. Please check back or contact us now to find out how we can help you.
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